Unexpected Benefits of an eBook Reader

Having never particularly been your standard bookworm I still frequently disregard my 'Kindle' as a casualty of the annual birthday money shop. Nonetheless I've made a genuine effort to commence on reading in order to steer myself appropriately for college next September. This post is not going to bore you all with the standard marketing malarkey stating how sha-mazing the battery life is or how the memory intake is large enough to put your clotted attic to shame. My advantages are all little surprises I found myself encountering. Hopefully the average adolescent might experience too.
1. Casual reading is not exactly the coolest pastime amongst our generation and whilst on communal grounds it's a necessity to come across as conventional as possible. The local hooligans mistake your personal library for an 'iPad' and you escape the day looking all savage cabbage with traces of popularity still intact.
2. I personally hate the feeling of paper (especially with wet hands) it basically just freaks me out. The enchanting eReader is nothing but a screen and E ink so if you have a private issue similar to mine then congratulations we have found a solution. 
3. Caveman Dad is ought to be even more confused with this latest addition of technology patrolling through his home. The miniature device will intimidate him and consciously he'll value you more as he knows you're his tour guide to this horrifying new world of technology.
4. Whatever book or newspaper you're reading has no physical cover. This whole concept means that you can pretend you're reading anything i.e Mother bursts into your bedroom demanding study be done immediately. You calmly reveal to her that you are in fact deeply engrossed in a subdivision of your Biology syllabus when realistically Miranda Hart's biography is just too intriguing to put down.
5. My own mobile phone and laptop are both severely overused (although I like to think they're just divas exaggerating their exhaustion from time to time), this results in multiple freezing, crashing and Patrick chanting all the bad words in his vocabulary together religiously. The sexy and contemporary eReader offers the other two gadgets a break so they can 'chillax', head for some lunch, perhaps even go see a show? Whatever nonsense they see fit to enjoy their spare time. 
Gawd dog! Books are so dated.


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