Loading Me

Me, Myself & I:

I'm Patrick, the chap in the photograph to your right flaunting the yellow hair and yellow teeth. Based in the west of Ireland, I'm currently a full-time student in NUI Galway whilst also earning tuppence working part-time. 

I created this blog back in October '13 because I love to write and wanted my own space to create content that I felt others would enjoy. Through Loading Life I hope to share with you all my ramblings and passions, it should give you a good insight into who I am as a person and how I fit into this big bad world we all share.

Make sure to hit me up on social media, I might look spooky but I assure you I'm really nice. 


  1. The most hilarious blogger out there, please someone hand him an award.

    1. I feed off your praise like a parasite. I actually know who this is, Ms. Anonymous has been caught out :)


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