Kapow Meggings believe human beings are built for self-expression, they’re here to give risk-takers the conversation starters they were born for.
I watched the fireflies of thoughts orbit her head.
"Don't! People will see your bits," she spat.
"I can pair them with an oversized, baggy top," I shrugged and said sternly.
"My junk will not be on public display," reassuring her.
"It is still a bad idea. I dislike it when lads dress feminine," she fretted.
The backlash was fierce and predictable. This girl is not the type to mull over things. She is plain-spoken and unfiltered, painfully direct and prides herself on it. I appreciate brutal honestly, when it comes from a good place. With her, she's so kind-hearted I know there is never any spite or hate concealed. She continually shows me bluntness can be a strong, admirable asset, if applied correctly.
But I also don't like people telling me what I should be wearing, or doing.
And we are all culprits.