What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Hit the snooze button? Yawn? Go to the bathroom? Brush your teeth?
If you are like me, the answer is check social media. My smartphone has become my own pocketable personal computer. At the outset I tend to keep tabs with the world to see what is happening.
Last Tuesday was not a standard day. After checking into my connection tool I felt sick, dismayed, hollow inside. The Brussels attacks dominated my timeline, harrowing news reports consumed my screen, condolences were being shared and I stood in solidarity with the majority in condemning these outrageous, deadly, disgusting attacks against innocent people. I rolled out of bed that morning feeling like a gloomy version of myself, rightly shocked by the immense pain and suffering caused at Zaventem airport and on the city’s metro. In fact, almost two weeks later the victims of the bombings have remained fresh on my mind.